


Hi there! Welcome to my GitHub Profile! ✨

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My name is Collins King, lover of Samsung & Google Technologies🤓🤓🤓 .

Typing SVG MasterHead

Reflecting back to before I started Uni. in August 2015 for my first degree, I was, in every sense, not inclined towards technology. I grew up without a personal computer in a non-wifi environment 🤕 and coding, along with other intricate technical matters, was far from my thoughts. It’s amazing how over time, these very aspects that I had never paid attention to became the cornerstone of my career.

As of 2023, I am venturing into the World of Computer Science for my second degree, an unexpected path catalyzed by my newfound fascination with technology research and development. During my first degree, coding seemed to be an insurmountable challenge, and I couldn’t have disliked it more 😕.

However, things took a turn in August 2021, when I genuinely immersed myself in programming and coding through AlX SE. It was then that I truly grasped the art of learning coding through trial and error.

Presently, I take pleasure in acquainting myself with novel technologies and programming languages by methodically building projects from scratch. I eagerly anticipate engaging in real-world projects as a routine aspect of my future career 🛠.

📖 Self-directed learning has seamlessly woven into the fabric of my life. It didn’t take long for me to realize that GitHub is the ideal platform to chronicle my transformation from a technophobe to a technophile. It serves as my open learning journal, where I can capture notes and references as I delve into new technical domains. Moreover, it allows me to share these resources with fellow learners who might also find them valuable.

👨‍💻 Tech Stack

Here are some technologies I’m familiar with, and some I’m still learning.


C CSS3 Go HTML5 Java JavaScript Markdown PHP Python TypeScript Shell Script GraphQL Ruby R


Django Chakra Bootstrap DjangoREST Express.js FastAPI Fastify Flask Less Laravel Next JS NodeJS Rails React React Native React Router Redux Spring TailwindCSS Type-graphql Webpack Xamarin


Yarn Apache Apache Airflow Jenkins Nginx Apache Maven


AmazonDynamoDB Redis Postgres MySQL MongoDB MicrosoftSQLServer SQLite NumPy Pandas


Linux Ansible Kubernetes Jira Docker Postman Vagrant Terraform Trello Webflow


AWS Azure DigitalOcean Firebase Google Cloud Netlify Heroku Vercel Oracle

✍️ Random Dev Quote

📊 GitHub Stats:


🏆 GitHub Trophies

😂 Random Dev Meme
